Closed | Coins – Thursday 8 September 2011
Jewellery Brooch
2 BROOCHES, base metal, klanen Donnachaidh and one kristet motif, total weight 44,3 g.
Medals Memorabilias
2 MEMORABILIAS, bronze, USS Olympia, gjorda by propeller, diameter 32 mm, total weight 27,4 g.
Medals Order decoration
MINIATURE, 18K gold, enamel, damaged, Dannebrogeorden, Frederick VI (kung 1808-1839), weight 2,3 g.
Medals Order decoration
MINIATURE, 18K gold, damaged enamel, Svärdsorden, 1800s, with band and knappfäste approx 23×49 mm and with vikten 6,0 g.
Medals Memorabilias
MEDAL, base metal, Baltiska Riksskyttetävlingen in Malmö, 1914, diameter 31 mm, weight 10,9 g, original package, by Adolf Lindberg.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, New Sweden, Kalmar Key, 1638-1988, diameter 56 mm, weight 74,6 g, case, by Sv. Nilsson.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, silver, Swedish AB Gasaccumulator, approx 55×72 mm, 1953, weight 125,9 g, engraved name, by Leo Holmgren.
Medals Memorabilias
3 MEMORABILIAS, silver, regalskeppet Vasa, two are for förtjänst of bärgning or omhändertagande, a are gilt with band, a has one engraved name, total weight 322,7 g.
Curio Miscellaneous
PRESSKORT, base metal, Nepal, for Crown Prince (later King) Birendras wedding 1970, weight 28,5 g.
Medals Memorabilias
MEDAL, base metal, damaged enamel, Hederslegionen, 1870, with band approx 41×98 mm and 25,8 g.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, silver, Tyske astronomen, Johann Georg Repsold, diameter 42 mm, weight 43,5 g.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, silver, Ärkehertig Joseph, Nuremberg, approx 1764, diameter 45 mm, weight 29,2 g, by Oexlein.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, silver, memorabilia in german about love, diameter 74 mm, weight 116,1 g.
Coins Foreign coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 15 Rubel, Russia, 1897, quality approx 1+ - 1, diameter 25 mm, weight 12,9 g, case.
Coins Foreign coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 5 Rubel, Russia, 1877, quality approx 01 - 1+, diameter 22 mm, weight 6,5 g, case.
Coins Swedish coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 5 Kronor, Oscar II, 1883, quality approx 01, diameter 16 mm, weight 2,2 g.
Coins Swedish coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 5 Kronor, Oscar II, 1881, quality approx 0-01, diameter 16 mm, weight 2,2 g.