Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 2 March 2010
Hammered at
Pawnitems Gold
Ring, in platinum with red stone and older cut diamonds 1xca0,60ct naggad girdle 2xca0,16ct varav one table naggat 22xca0,01ct Ø15 1/4 skew in skena 6,2g
Pawnitems Gold
Necklace, pearls and white metal 39,5cm imperfect with older cut diamonds 2xca0,65ct 16xca0,15ct 16xca0,10ct 7xca0,08ct 27xca0,05ct 1xca0,04ct 7xca0,03ct 65xca0,01-0,02ct baguettslipade 4xca0,01ct of total weight circa 8ct bruttovikt 39,8g
Pawnitems Gold
Bowl, in silver övre SIZE circa 26cm undre SIZE circa 14,5cm ingraverad vapensköld weight 409,3g