Closed | Pawn – Monday 28 November 2005
Pawnitems Electronics
Sony, Playstation II with en kontroll, scartanslutning, nätkabel and one game "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas"
Pawnitems Electronics
Telephone, Mobile phone LG U8120 with charger and handsfree in kartong. Bunden till three
Pawnitems Electronics
Camera, Digitalkamera HP Photosmart 435 (3,1 MP) with anslutningskablar, manualer and kartong.
Pawnitems Electronics
Camera, Digitalkamera HP Photosmart 435 (3,1 MP) with USB-kabel, manualer and kartong.
Pawnitems Art
Painting, Oil on duk, signed Kjell (Kjell Leander - Engström, 1914-1985), motif från Norrland
Pawnitems Art
Matservis, Villroy & Bosch modell "Riviera", bestående by 12 Tallrikar, 12 Small plates and 12 Djupa tallrikar
Pawnitems Miscellaneous
Bowl, Orrefors Lars Hellsten height 12 cm/diameter 18 cm with belysningsfot in wooden