Closed | NewYear – Saturday 30 December 2017
Silverware Pot
MARTINIKANNA, sterling silver, handle in wooden, Mexico, höjd14,5 cm, weight 416,9 g, spoon enclosed.
Silverware Cutlery
Sandwich cutlery, Haga, 36 pcs, 12 forks, 12 knives, 12 dessertspoons, weight 1120,8 g,
Silverware Cutlery
Silver cutlery, Haga, 16 pcs, 2 butter knives, 2 syltskedar and 12 coffee spoons, weight 350,2 g.
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 18K white gold, brilliant cut diamonds approx 1,00 ctw approx W(H)/SI, huggies, weight 3,2 g.
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 18K vitgud, 2 brilliant cut diamonds approx 0,40 ctw, approx W-TCr/VS, 24 brilliant cut diamonds approx 0,53 ctw, approx TW-W/VS, weight 2,9 g, pushback, avtagbara kransar.
Jewellery Eternity ring
ETERNITYRING, 18K gold, 27 brilliant cut diamonds approx 1,86 ctw, approx TW(G)/VVS-VS, size 17,5 mm, weight 4,1 g.
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 18K white gold, 2 flandersslipade diamonds approx 1,04 ctw, approx W-TCr/SI, 8 brilliant cut diamonds approx 0,08 ctw, approx W(H)/SI, hooks, weight 3,4 g.
Jewellery Pendant
PENDANT, 18K gold, 24 brilliant cut diamonds approx 1,08 ctw, approx W/VS, measurements 2x2,7 cm, weight 5,5 g.
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 18K white gold, 2 brilliant cut diamonds approx 0,10 ctw, approx W/VS, matte gold, diameter approx 2 cm, weight 11,3 g.
Jewellery Ring
RING, 18K white gold, sapphire approx 1,05 ct with notch and somewhat worn facettkanter, 2 brilliant cut diamonds approx 0,40 ctw approx W/VS, size 17 mm, weight 5,2 g.
Jewellery Necklace
RIVIERE NECKLACE, 18K white gold, 161 brilliant cut diamonds approx 6,68 ctw, approx TW-W/VVS-VS, length 42 cm, weight 16,2 g.
Jewellery Bracelet
TENNIS BRACELET, 18K gold, 74 brilliant cut diamonds approx 3,20 ctw, approx TW(G)/VS-SI, length 18,5 cm, weight 7,3 g.
Silverware Cutlery
CUTLERY, Olga, 24 pcs, 8 forks, 8 knives, 8 spoons, 8 coffee spoons, weight 960,5 g.
Silverware Cutlery
CUTLERY, Chippendale, 24 pcs, 6 forks, 6 knives, 6 spoons, 6 coffee spoons, weight 835,4 g.
Jewellery Bracelet
BRACELET, 18K white gold, fantasilänk, 7 brilliant cut diamonds approx 0,28 ctw, approx W(H)/VS, length 19,5 cm, weight 21,2 g.
Jewellery Pendant
SOLITAIRE PENDANT, platinum, brilliant cut diamond 0,43 ct, TW(F)/SI2, HTD inscription on girdle 170003075866, weight 0,6 g, stone envelope enclosed.
Jewellery Solitaire earrings
SINGLE STONE EARRING, platinum, 2 cushion cut diamonds 1,04 ctw, TW(G)/VS1-VS2, GIA inscription on the girdles 1208323841 and 6201659253, weight 2,1 g, pushback, backings in 18K white gold, 2 stone envelope enclosed.
Jewellery Ring
RING, 18K white gold, brilliant cut diamond 0,80 ct, TW(F)/SI2, GIA inscription on girdle 2236178323, 12 brilliant cut diamonds approx 0,26 ctw, approx TW-W/VS, size 17,75 mm, weight 3,0 g, stone envelope enclosed.