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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 14 June 2016

Hammered at

Porcelain Miscellaneous

Serving dish djupt L39cm Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

300 kr

Estimated: 200 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Candlesticks one pair H11cm Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

200 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Salt and pepparkar H8,5cm Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

150 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Dish Ø17cm Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

25 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Cake-dish 4-våningar djupa without mellanpinnar Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

150 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Cake-dish 3våningar Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

350 kr

Estimated: 200 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Glöggmuggar 3 items WWF

25 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Värmare Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

150 kr

Estimated: 125 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Bowl with pip without cover Ø20,5cm Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

150 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Porcelain Miscellaneous

Glöggmuggar 12 items Fyrklövern julmotiv design Lars Carlson

350 kr

Estimated: 125 kr

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Glass Miscellaneous

Glass bowls 11 items Fyrklövern julmotiv H11cm Ø12cm

325 kr

Estimated: 250 kr

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Glass Miscellaneous

Pitcher Fyrklövern julmotiv H16cm

300 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Electronics Miscellaneous

Remote-control Logitech 300i in obruten pack

225 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Coins Miscellaneous

Samlarmynt nom 50kr S925 Konung Carl-XVI Gustaf Drottning Silvia

75 kr

Estimated: 75 kr

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Leisure Miscellaneous

Tågset Märklin 4 Vagnar 1 Lok 28 Rälsdelar Transformator in kartonger

425 kr

Estimated: 500 kr

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Leisure Tools

Tigersåg Makita DJR181 snr590487 marked E&S with battery without charger

850 kr

Estimated: 500 kr

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Leisure Miscellaneous

Binoculars Focus de luxe 8x40 nr61021 in cover

325 kr

Estimated: 125 kr

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Electronics Cameras

Actionkamera AEE SD21 snrABYBHM0414 with with accessories in carton

650 kr

Estimated: 375 kr

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Electronics Phones

Mobile phone Samsung Galaxy Xcover2 IEMI352735062854885 defect/laddar not with charger in damaged carton

250 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Electronics Cameras

Digital camera Nikon D40 snr6197803 with lens 18-55mm snr2561550 with charger in carton

900 kr

Estimated: 425 kr

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About the auction