Closed | Pawn – Monday 24 March 2014
Leisure Sports
Softairgun Brügger & Thomet, BT5 series, snr.10L00077, in carton with with accessories
Electronics Games
XBox 360, snr.056487513605, with a controller damaged, strömsladd, tv-cable, in carton
Electronics Computers
Laptop mini, Acer Aspire one, snr.LUS670B0839202FEC91601, working not to styra musen via datorn, kräver extern mouse, with strömsladd in cover
Electronics Cameras
Digital camera Nikon D70s, snr.4047019, missing memory card working not to ta picture, with lens Nikon DX 18-70mm, snr.2877982, Lens Nikon AF 70-300mm, snr.9154205, universalbatteriladdare in bag
Electronics Phones
Apple Iphone 5, 16GB, A1429, IMEI, 013632005472563, in carton with charger and original head-phone, låst for Telia
Electronics Phones
Apple Iphone 5, 16GB, A1429, IMEI. 013633006697935, with charger, låst for tele 2
Electronics Phones
Apple Iphone 5, 16GB, A1429, IMEI.013734000753466, with charger, head-phone and ragged skydd, låst for Telenor, lösenordslåst