Closed | Coins – Thursday 20 October 2011
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, Universitetet in Uppsala, 1877, diameter 56 mm, weight 81,0 g, by Adolf Lindberg, originaletui.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, Evert Taube, 1890-1975, diameter 45 mm, weight 47,7 g, by Astri Bergman Taube, Sporrong, case, 470/2000.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, Memory, Svea Livgarde, 1926, diameter 56 mm, weight 80,0 g, by Ivar Johnsson, Sporrong, case in papp.
Medals Memorabilias
2 MEMORABILIAS, bronze, Sporrongs Samlarsällskap, total weight 63,9 g, 1976 and 1977.
Medals Memorabilias
2 MEMORABILIAS, bronze, Sweden´s Radio, 1925-1975, diameter 70 mm, total weight 593,4 g, Swedish Medaljgillet, stands, 378 and 379/3000.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, årets medal 1976 diameter 70 mm, weight 295,0 g, by Linde, Swedish Medaljgillet, ställning, 231/3000.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, Georg Malmsten, diameter 70 mm, weight 289,0 g, by Raimo Heino, Sporrong, 1976.
Medals Memorabilias
3 MEMORABILIAS, bronze, Tronskiftesmedalj 1973, total weight 121,1 g by Leo Holmgren, SNF, etuier, 137, 138 and 140/2500.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, Kungabrölloppet, 1976, diameter 49 mm, weight 60,5 g, by Peter Linde, Swedish Medaljgillet, case, 452/4000.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, Alvar Aalto, 1976 diameter 56 mm, weight 112,1 g, by Axel Wallenberg, Sporrong, case, 343/1000.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, bronze, Carl Milles, 1875-1975, diameter 56 mm, weight 105,5 g, by Axel Wallenberg, case, Sporrong, 84/2500.
Coins Swedish coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 10 Kronor, Oscar II, 1876, quality approx 01 - 1+, diameter 18 mm, weight 4,5 g.
Coins Swedish coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 10 Kronor, Oscar II, 1874, quality approx 01, diameter 18 mm, weight 4,5 g.
Coins Swedish coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 10 Kronor, Oscar II, 1873, quality approx 01, diameter 18 mm, weight 4,5 g.
Coins Swedish coin
COIN, 21,6K gold, 5 Kronor, Gustaf V, 1920, quality approx 01, diameter 16 mm, weight 2,2 g.
Medals Memorabilias
MEMORY, sterling silver / crystal, Kungabrölloppet 1976, ställning, diameter 50 mm, weight 73,1 g.