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Closed | Pawn – Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hammered at

Pawnitems Electronics

Spelkonsol, Sony Playstation 3 Slim serienr.02-27427279-1274980-CECH-2006A with two hand controls, hdmi-kabel, audio/video-kabel, power cable utländsk adapter enclosed, manual

1 200 kr

Estimated: 1 000 kr

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Pawnitems Electronics

Telephone, Mobile phone Sony Ericsson X10 mini serienr.CB511LK6SF with handsfree, Sony Ericsson usb-minne CCR-80 serienr.102607EC0973702, two skal svart/silver, usb-kabel/laddare, manualer, carton

1 000 kr

Estimated: 900 kr

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Pawnitems Electronics

Computer, Portable computer Apple MacBook Pro 13,3" 250GB serienr.02-27427279-1274980-CECH-2006A with charger, extern mouse, CD-disc I-life, manualer, allt in carton

6 800 kr

Estimated: 4 100 kr

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Pawnitems Art

Figure, Pelle design by Lisa Larsson, Gustavsberg, height ca20cm, notch on both feet

350 kr

Estimated: 500 kr

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Pawnitems Art

Figure, Beata design Lisa Larsson, Gustavsberg, length ca19cm, glasyrskador, notch on a by fötterna

550 kr

Estimated: 800 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Vase, Bing and Gröndal Blue Måsen height ca21,5cm trolig andrahandssortering

325 kr

Estimated: 200 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Servetthållare, 2st Servetthållare Bing and Gröndal Blue Måsen length ca8,5cm height ca6,5cm guldbårder skiljer sig, glasyrskador, trolig andrahandssortering

300 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Dish, Serving dish Bing and Gröndal Blue Måsen length ca28c, width ca20cm trolig andrahandssortering

450 kr

Estimated: 100 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Dish, Serving dish Bing and Gröndal Blue Måsen length ca34,5cm width ca23,5cm glasyrskador, trolig andrahandssortering

425 kr

Estimated: 150 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Bowl, Bing and Gröndal Blue Måsen Øca24cm trolig andrahandssortering

300 kr

Estimated: 150 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

plates, Bing and Gröndal Blue Måsen 4 items Dish Øca22cm 1 items Dish Øca25cm flisa in brim

225 kr

Estimated: 50 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Earrings, 1 pair 18K with diamond approx 0,70ct/st 2,3g


Estimated: 23 000 kr

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Pawnitems Miscellaneous

Ring, 18K with 6 small small diamonds, Ø16½ 1,7g


Estimated: 500 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Lot of Gold, 18K = Signet-ring, 2 Breloques, Chain bracelet, allt defect, 6,9g


Estimated: 1 600 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K "curb" 41 cm, 1,6g


Estimated: 375 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Pendants, 3st 18K, 2,5g


Estimated: 750 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 18K Ø15½ with white stone, 1 pair Earrings 18K, 1,8g


Estimated: 450 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Ring, 18K with blue stone Ø17½ 3,2g

700 kr

Estimated: 850 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Charm bracelet, 18K Bismarck 18,5 cm with 9 Breloques 18K, somewhat defect, 13,6g


Estimated: 3 200 kr

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Pawnitems Gold

Necklace, 18K "curb" 51 cm, Pendant 18K with blue stone and engraving, 6,1g


Estimated: 1 400 kr

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About the auction