Closed | Classic – Saturday 28 May 2005
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 14K gold, 2 brilliant-cut diamonds approx 0,10 ctv approx TCr/VS, pushback
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 14K white gold, 2 cultured pearls 9 mm, 38 eight-cut diamonds approx 0,40 ctv, approx Cr/SI (en dia saknas), weight 7,8 gr, stift/clips.
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 18K gold, with green enamel (damaged) and brilliant-cut diamonds approx 0,16 ctv, approx W/VS pushback and clips, weight 11, 7 g
Jewellery Earrings
EARRINGS, 18K gold with blue enamel and brilliant-cut diamonds approx W/SI, approx 0,20 ctv, weight 10,2 g pushback with clips
Jewellery Ring
RING, 18K white gold, with ljusgrå cultured pearl, approx 7 mm, weight 4,9 g, size 18 mm.
Jewellery Bracelet
BRACELET, 18K white gold with brilliant-cut diamonds approx 0,30 ctv length approx 19,5 cm, weight 36,5 g
Jewellery Earrings
ÖRHÄNGEN,18K gold with 14 brilliant-cut diamonds 0,14 ct and 4 sapphires, weight 20,2 g, pushback
Jewellery Pendant
PENDANT/CHAIN 18K gold, cross with 6 pcs of brilliant-cut diamonds approx 0,06 ctv, approx W/VS, weight 9,3 g, length 45 cm
Jewellery Ring
EARRINGS + RING, 18K gold, 3 cultured pearls 6,7 & 7,6 mm, 34 brilliant-cut diamonds approx 1,02 ct, TW/VS, ringsize 16½, push-back.
Jewellery Ring
RING, 18K gold & white gold, sapphire approx 0,15 ct, 9 brilliant-cut diamonds approx 0,11 ctv, approx W/VS, ringsize 17 3/4
Jewellery Solitaire ring
SINGLE-STONE RING, 18K gold with åtkkantslipad diamond approx 0,03 ct, weight 1,6 g, ringsize 15
Jewellery Ring
RING, 18K white gold with marquise-cut rubies and eight-cut diamonds ( en diamond with notch ), weight 7,4 g, ringsize 15 3/4
Jewellery Pendant/Chain
CHAIN PENDANT, 18K white gold, heart, 13 sapphires 0,38 ct, weight 2,5 g, length 40 cm