Foreign coin
COIN, silver, Tetradrachm, Alexander the Great, quality approx. 1+, diameter 27 mm, weight 14,2 g.
4 560 kr
Foreign coin
COIN, silver, Tetradrachm, Athens, quality approx. 1/1+, diameter approx. 21-24 mm, weight 16,5 g, not well centered, the coin has a mark from testning of silver.
3 000 kr
Foreign coin
COIN, silver-plated, Tetradrachm, 404-403 BC, Athens, quality approx. 1, diameter approx. 22 mm, weight 16,9 g, fractures.
5 400 kr
Foreign coin
2 COIN, silver, Halvstater, Lydia, 561-546 BC, during Krösus, quality approx. 1?/2, total weight 8,8 g.
3 600 kr
Swedish coin
KASTMYNT, silver, Oscar Is begravning, quality approx. 1+/01, diameter 32 mm, weight 12,7 g, kantskador.
2 760 kr
Swedish coin
COIN, silver, Öre, 1613, Gustav II Adolf, quality approx. 1, diameter 18-19 mm, weight 1,1 g, edge damage.
420 kr
Swedish coin
8 COINS, copper / silver, 1830- 1870, mixed quality, total weight approx. 26 g.
840 kr
Swedish coin
4 COINS, nordic gold / silver, 3 pcs 10 Kr 1991 with myntorientering, 1 Kr 1942 with year under picture, quality approx. 01 - 0, total weight approx. 27,3 g.
1 320 kr
Paper bill
BANK-NOTES, 3 pcs 1 Kr, 8 pcs 5 Kr, 17 pcs 10 Kr, 2 pcs 50 Kr, 2 pcs 100 Kr, 1914-1968, one stjärnmärkt bank-note, mixed quality.
1 020 kr
Foreign coin
3 COIN, silver / copper, Denmark 1 Skilling 1813, 4 Skilling RM 1856, 16 Skilling RM 1857, quality approx. 2/1? - 1, 16,3 g.
420 kr
Foreign coin
COIN, silver, Luigino, 1666, Tassarolo, quality approx. 1, diameter 21 mm, weight 2,0 g.
420 kr
Swedish coin
COIN, copper, 94 pcs 5 Öre in 3 maps, 1874-1971, mixed quality mostly approx. 1+, includes rare variants such as 1910 and 1927.
2 640 kr
Swedish coin
COIN, copper, 2 pcs 1 Sc, 8 pcs 1/2 Sc, 6 pcs 1/4 Sc, 6 pcs 1/12 Sc, 1802- 1821, mixed quality, most coins are in paper covers.
540 kr
Share certificate
AKTIEBREV, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, 33 pcs 100 Kr, 3 pcs 500 Kr, 1 pcs 1000 kr, 1 pcs 2000 kr, 1953-1967.
1 200 kr
Foreign coin
COIN, silver, Rigsbankdaler, 1818, Denmark, quality approx. 1/1+, diameter 30 mm, weight 14,3 g.
1 080 kr
Paper bill
BANK-NOTES, 6 pcs 100 Kr 1960-2005, 5 pcs 50 Kr 1960-1962, 12 pcs 10 Kr 1948-1968, 24 pcs 5 Kr 1942-1978, mixed quality.
1 920 kr
Paper bill
CHARTA SIGILLATA, 5 pcs of which two with årtal 1845-1846, 2 pcs 3 Skilling, 2 pcs 6 skilling, 1 pcs 9 Skilling, some broken fibres but no foldmarks, one has two small holes.
300 kr
Paper bill
BANK-NOTES, 3 items 100 Kr 1958-1963, 1 items 10 Kr 1958, 3 items 5 Kr 1974-1979, blandat condition mestadels approx 1 - 1+.
660 kr
Paper bill
2 BANK-NOTES, 20000 mark, stjärnmärkta, 20/2-1923, Germany, quality approx 1+/01 (one has a minor tear, the other a minor discolouration and a folded corner).
420 kr
Paper bill
BANK_NOTE, 750 francs, France, 1795, quality approx 1+ but cut to 102×162 mm.
4 800 kr